Laser Tattoo Removal: A Guide to Aftercare Treatment

While tattoos are becoming more and more commonplace nowadays, it doesn’t take away that tattoos should be well thought out and planned to avoid regretting them later on. However, if you have a cringy tattoo that you want to be removed, there is a pretty effective way to go about it.

Laser tattoo removal is the most effective way to remove unwanted ink on the skin. Statistics say that around 11% of people think about getting a tattoo removed. However, they end up being hesitant because they are afraid of the aftercare procedure. If you are thinking about getting laser tattoo removal, this blog post will have all the information you need!

Laser Tattoo Removal: A Guide to Aftercare Treatment

It may take multiple sessions for your tattoo to be removed. After all the treatment is finished, proper aftercare should help speed up the recovery process. Also, you should expect to feel some level of pain or discomfort to be present during recovery. However, it is essential to note that this discomfort is usually less than what a person would initially expect.

Caring for Your Skin Immediately After Treatment

There are a few aftercare tips that you need to know about to help your skin heal as quickly as possible without complications. Here are a few tips to make for the best results.

1 - First Three to Five Days

For the first 3 - 5 days, keeping the area as dry and sterile as you can will help speed up the recovery. For large tattoos best to ice the treated area to help with swelling for an hour when you get home. Always clean the treated area with saline solution after gym, shower, swimming, surfing, then apply antiseptic powder, NOT CREAMS.

2 - Keep the Area Dry

The first few days are the worst. You must keep your skin dry and clean to prevent infections. Showering and quick bathing is fine. small to medium tattoos will heal surprisingly fast if you follow our postcare of dry and sterile.

3 - Use a Vitamin A/ D Ointment

Vitamin A/D is excellent for the skin. You may ask your doctor or skincare professional for a vitamin A/D ointment to use. This is great for after one week once it is healing and going dry you can keep the tattoo area moist then.

4 - Wear Sunblock

Wearing sunblock will protect your skin during recovery. Staying unprotected in direct sunlight is one of the worst things you can do while recovering from laser tattoo removal. Use 50+ sunscreen when in the sun.

Keep Your Immune System Strong While Your Skin Heals

A strong immune system helps fight off infections and will help wounds heal more quickly. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep, and drinking lots of water will help keep your immune system strong.

Things to Avoid

There are some things you need to avoid while your skin recovers. Avoiding picking at the scabs that form in the area. If you pick them you have very high possibilty to scar. Your tattoo may get very itchy this is great it means your healing but DONOT scratch the tattoo, scratch around it. Scratching it will cause you to scar. Tanning is ok but excessive tanning is recommended to avoid. With excessive sun exposure and picking at the scabs will inhibit healing and increase your risk of infection and scars.


It may take up to two to four weeks for your skin to completely recover and heal after getting laser tattoo removal. How you take care of your skin during this critical time may increase or decrease the overall healing time. it is all up to you.

Factors like how closely you follow the aftercare plan and how strong your immune system is will play a part in how quickly you will be able to return to your normal activities again. 

If you are ready to get your tattoo removed, come to CleanSlate Laser Clinic. Using world-class certified clinical and medical-grade equipment, experience the comfort, pre and postcare help and confidence you won’t find anywhere except CleanSlate.

Get laser tattoo removal and get rid of your unwanted ink today!


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