PRP Vampire Facial: A Modernized “Fountain of Youth”

Everyone wants smoother, softer, and younger-looking skin. However, delaying the signs of aging might seem only possible in fairytales. Thankfully, you don’t have to seek the Fountain of Youth and drink or bathe in its waters to attain a youthful glow. Instead, you can just head to a skin specialist near you to rejuvenate your skin.

One of the procedures you can consider getting is a PRP Vampire Facial. To determine what makes it unique from other skin treatments and know if it is the right one for you, feel free to use this article as your guide. 

What Is a PRP Vampire Facial?

A Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) procedure is an advanced skincare treatment method that uses your body’s own natural power to heal itself. It involves drawing your own blood; hence the name Vampire Facial.

This facial treatment works by achieving concentrated levels of platelets in plasma. These platelets are then injected into the plasma at specific depths according to your aesthetic needs. Eventually, the PRP is absorbed by the skin, which speeds up the collagen production process.

What Are the Benefits of a PRP Vampire Facial?

PRP Vampire Facial offers many anti-aging benefits. Here are some of them:

1. Improved Moisture Retention

As you age, your skin’s ability to absorb moisture decreases. This leads to a weak and thin skin barrier susceptible to wrinkles and fine lines. By getting a PRP Vampire Facial, you aid your skin in retaining moisture. As a result, it is better protected from outside irritants. It also helps unclog your pores and makes your skin more receptive to moisturizers. In addition, it may reduce the size of your pores to look more unnoticeable on the surface.

2. Increased Collagen Production

Once you hit the age of 25, your body’s natural collagen production rate drops dramatically. Unless you do something to stimulate its production rate, it continues to decline for the rest of your life. This results in noticeably unhealthy skin and signs of aging, like folds, fine lines, and wrinkles.

The good news is that these visible skin issues can be addressed through a PRP Vampire Facial. It stimulates collagen production by injecting minuscule needles that penetrate the upper layers of your skin through microneedling. This stimulation through skin cell trauma allows existing collagen to heal the skin, simultaneously promoting the growth of new, stronger, healthier collagen.

3. Reduced Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Getting fine lines and wrinkles is inevitable as you age. Thankfully, these common signs of aging can be treated through a PRP Vampire Facial. As your old skin cells get recycled, these visible skin issues are eliminated. You will also get to say goodbye to a gaunt appearance and enjoy tighter, firmer skin as a result of the micro-injuries produced by the treatment. 


Attaining a youthful look used to seem impossible years ago. Now, you can restore your youth and enjoy these benefits in no time by seeking a PRP Vampire Facial. It is also effective in improving your overall skin maintenance routine.

For this reason, regardless of your skin issues, this treatment can likely help you address your needs and let you look and feel your best.

To reap the benefits offered by PRP Vampire Facial, head to our skin clinic in Bali. At CleanSlate Laser Clinic, our qualified and trained professionals can boost your confidence by providing you effective and safe procedures at affordable rates. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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